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What are muscle Pain?
(मांसपेशियों में दर्द )
Muscle pain can occur in adults and children. In many cases, muscle aches and pains do not need to be worried and resolve without treatment. Because there is muscle tissue in almost every part of the body, this type of pain can be felt almost everywhere. However, there is no single cause of muscle pain.
While abuse or injuries are common, there are other possible explanations for persistent discomfort.
The causes of muscle pain are divided into several common groups:
- Stress and tension
- Infection
- Wounds or Injury
- Autoimmune diseases;
- Nerve and muscle disorders;
- Blocked blood flow or drug side effects.
Stress and tension
Psychological or physical stress can lead to muscle tension, which is the body's automatic reflex to prevent injury and pain.
Sudden stress can cause muscle tension, but as the stress passes, the tension is released. In chronic (long-lasting) stress, the muscles stay in an almost constant state of tension, which can cause pain and headaches when tension is felt in the shoulders and neck. When a person responds to stress by reducing physical activity, lack of exercise causes muscles to begin to contract (atrophy), making it more difficult to get out of the cycle of pain.
Learning the psychological coping mechanisms and engaging in proper physical exercise can improve how you deal with stress or chronic pain, and eventually reduce the negative effects of stress on your muscular system.
Respiratory and viral infections such as colds and influenza (flu): Myalgia is one of several symptoms of these infections including fever, chills, sore throat, headache, cough, stuffy or runny nose, and general fatigue.
Malaria: Anopheles mosquito bite is a serious disease that can be transmitted and fatal. Weakness and Pain are accompanied by fever, headache, sweat, nausea, and enlarged spleen and liver.
Trichinella: Found in wild animal meat or undercooked meat such as pork, trichinella is caused by infection with larvae of the insect species. Early symptoms include upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, and fever. Others symptoms include joint pain and muscle pain, headache, fever, and heart and breathing problems.
Lyme disease: It is mainly caused by a tick bite found in the northeastern states of the United States. Early signs and symptoms (3 to 30 days after a bite) include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes. The rash occurs in about 70 to 80% of infected people.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: A potentially life-threatening disease caused by tick bites. A rash is a common sign that usually occurs 2 to 4 days after a fever develops. Other symptoms include muscle pain, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, and loss of appetite.
Treatment for each of these conditions depends on the disease, stage of onset, and severity.
Wound / Injury
Symptoms of muscle damage include pain, weakness, bruising, swelling, and cramps (involuntary red muscle spasms and contractions).
Wounds can be caused by:
- Blunt trauma from a strong impact on the body.
- Muscle tension, soreness, pulling or tearing is everything from simple muscle overstretching to complete rupture. Accidents, falls, sudden twists and movements are frequent causes.
- It is a recurring motion injury that can be seen in a job or activity that uses the same motion every day. Professional examples could include data entry typists ranging from heavy manual workers. Following the same exercise routine or focusing on just one sport can also be a cause.
- It is a common excess injuries in athletes competing in sports such as hockey, soccer, boxing, wrestling, soccer, and track and field events. Muscle fibers can be a predisposition and are prone to damage when the same activity is performed repeatedly without change. Muscles are dynamic and must move in several directions to maintain function. Exercises should be performed like this to avoid exposing the muscle fibers to the same repetitive forces.
- Improper warm-up and cool-down is one of the most common causes of muscle tension in athletes. Muscle fibers can do their job depending on their ability to stretch and contract. The better you move, the less likely you are to be injured. Stretching muscles and performing low-intensity activities (such as a very light jog or 20% of the weight you just lifted) for 10 minutes before or after exercise can help prevent muscle tension.
- Repetitive movements or lack of activity (for example, when limbs are put in a cast). It is treated with physical therapy, massage, analgesics and steroid injections.
- Unnatural body position puts strain on muscles and soft tissues, so poor posture can cause muscle pain and tension. Bad posture includes bending over a chair. Extreme curvature of the waist due to wearing high heels or being overweight around the center; Leaning on one leg; Bend your back Protruding the chin; Round your shoulders and hold the phone between your neck and shoulders. In addition to keeping your body straight, you can use certain exercises to help you fix bad posture habits.
- Poor forms during exercise can cause serious muscle damage, especially when placed on a low-strength form, such as weightlifting, explosive activity, or long-term endurance of the activity.
- Compartment Syndrome: Compartments are groups of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the arms and legs that are covered with rough fascia. Compartment syndrome occurs when an injury causes swelling and bleeding within the compartment, putting pressure on the surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, resulting in suffocation of adequate nutrients and oxygen. The front part of the lower leg is most often affected, but so are the arms, hands, feet, and hips.
- Acute: Occurs after a serious accident or broken bone and should be treated as an emergency. Surgery is often required to relieve the pressure in the compartment.
- Chronic (exercise): Exercising, especially repetitive movement activities such as running, biking, or swimming, causes pain or cramps. Discontinuation and cross-training generally bring relief.
Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune diseases are diseases in which the body's immune system accidentally attacks its own tissues.
Other diseases or conditions
Fibromyalgia: A general nervous system (nervous system) condition whose cause is unclear, causing widespread pain, sensitivity to touch, severe fatigue and sleep problems. Areas of pain and tenderness can travel from one area of the body to another. Women are affected more often than men, like people with rheumatic diseases (health problems that affect joints, muscles and bones).
Electrolyte imbalance: Electrolytes are minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium that are needed for proper cellular function, including normal muscle contraction. A lack or imbalance of electrolytes caused by vigorous physical activity or poor diet can slow muscle contraction and cause cramps and weakness.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: This is a disorder that lasts for more than 6 months, resulting in extreme fatigue and poor tolerance to physical activity that cannot be explained by other medical conditions. Symptoms include problems sleeping, taking a long time to recover from light physical activity, loss of memory and mental vision, muscle and joint pain, and headaches.
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Fat blockage in the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs (atherosclerosis) can cause pain in the legs from exercise such as walking. These symptoms of pain, pain, or cramps from walking may occur in the buttocks, buttocks, thighs, or calves. Other symptoms of PAD include muscle atrophy, cool skin to the touch, reduced or absent pulse on the feet, non-healing ulcers on the legs or feet, and cold or numb toes.
Side effects of statin drugs: Statin drugs are used to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by controlling cholesterol levels. However, some people have reported muscle aches and general flu-like pain when taking statin medications. If there are statin side effects, the change in dosage or switch to other cholesterol-lowering drugs may be managed by the patient's doctor.
Symptoms of muscle pain
Some people with muscle pain may experience symptoms, along with muscle aches and discomfort, such as:
- Stiffness and weakness in the affected area
- Fever
- Rash
- Bite marks
- Dizziness
- Shortness of breath
- Signs of infection, such as redness and swelling
Some of these symptoms, such as very high fever or shortness of breath, require immediate treatment.
If the cause of the pain is tension, injury, tension or stress, people will usually feel discomfort in a particular area.
If the pain occurs all over the body, it is most likely caused by an infection, drug, or underlying condition.
Home remedies for muscle pain
Home remedies are sufficient to relieve pain caused by minor injuries, excessive exercise, or stress.
- Rest the affected area and stop the activity that caused the injury.
- Use an ice pack or bag of frozen peas to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes three times a day.
- Use a compression bandage to reduce swelling.
- If possible, raise your feet to minimize inflammation.
Other useful home remedies include:
- OTC pain reliever use
- Carefully stretching the affected muscles
- Participating in activities that encourage relaxation and reduce stress, such as yoga and meditation
Severe or unresolved muscle aches and pains can be symptoms of an underlying condition that requires medical evaluation and treatment.
You should see a doctor in the following cases:
- Look for signs of infection such as redness and swelling
- Drugs that cause muscle pain.
- Have a rash
- Tick bite
It is important to seek immediate medical assistance if muscle pain occurs with:
- Difficulty swallowing
- Shortness of breath
- Stiff neck and high fever
- Muscle weakness
- Cannot move the affected area
- Throw up
- Decreased urine volume or sudden water retention
People can prevent muscle pain caused by tension, stress, and intense physical activity by doing the following:
- Exercising regularly to maintain muscle
- Stretching before exercise
- Regular rest when sitting for a long time
- Warm up before exercise, cool after exercise
Most causes of muscle pain are benign, but persistent pain may require treatment.
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